Coniogramme fraxinea
Ref.: 07CONIOrigin : Sri Lanka, India, from the south China to Taiwan, from Indochina and Malaysia to the Philippines. Environments : rather humid mountain slopes in dense evergreen forests at high altitude.
Creeping rhizome, bearing large evergreen fronds of a herbaceous green, bipinnate blade, 40 to 60 cm. Pinnules slightly marked with furrows on the upper surface. Sori extending along the veins, without indusia. This beautiful fern will be placed in a fresh to humid draining soil in the shade. Height 1m width 1m.
- Foliage : evergreen
- Height : over 90cm
- Soil type : deep, humusy, peaty
- Site : forest edge, mixed borders
- Exposure : shade
- Shape : upright
- Rhizome : creeping
- Hardiness : down to -15°C (5°F)
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