Pyrrosia lingua 'Ogon Nishiki'
Ref.: 04PYRROrigin : Japan
Family : Polypodiaceae.
Synonyme : Pyrrosia lingua 'Variegata'
This cultivar differs from the species by its wide and thick, yelllow streaking fronds. The margins are irregularly lobate. The underside is coated with white scales, then cinnamon or tan at maturity. The rhizome is creeping. This slow growing fern needs a well-drained mix in a container, in a rockery, or inside, in light shade ort in sun to keep its colors. Evergreen. Height : 30cm. Hardiness : -15°C.
- Foliage : evergreen
- Height : less than 30cm
- Soil type : well drained
- Site : walls, rockery, rocks, banks, temporarily dry, veranda, greenhouse, indoor
- Exposure : half shade
- Shape : ground cover
- Rhizome : creeping and branching
- Hardiness : down to -15°C (5°F)
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