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This genus contains about 140 species, most from asia, especially from China and Japan. The arachniodes prefer half-shade, and moist and light soils, rich in compost. Most of them are evergreen. The rhizomes are short-creeping to long-creeping.

  • Arachniodes simplicior

    Family : Dryopteridaceae.

    East indian holly fern.

    A distinctive species .The rhizome is creeping. The fronds are broadly triangular, bipinnate, thick, hard-textured, glossy, dark green. The pinnae midribs are highlighted with a creamy stripe. It enjoys acidic or slightly alkaline soils, cool and well drained, in light shade. Be careful, slugs like the young croziers. Evergreen. Height : 30cm. Width : 45cm. Hardiness : -15°C.

    8.00 €
    Available In Cultivation
  • Arachniodes standishii

    Family : Dryopteridaceae.

    Upside down fern.

    A remarkable species, it is the biggest and most finely cut in the genus Arachniodes. It is also, in this genus, the hardiest and the easiest to cultivate. The imprints of ribs and sori are visible on the superior face of the blade, hence the name of 'upside down fern '. Its rhizome is creeping. Its semi-evergreen fronds are horizontal. To cultivate in moist and humusy soil in light shade. Height : 50/60cm. Width : 80/100cm. Hardiness : until -25°C.

    12.00 €
    Available In Cultivation