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The genus Osmunda belongs to the Osmundaceae family, and count about 10 subcosmopolitan species. Only one species in Europe : Osmunda regalis. Osmunda are the oldest ferns, tall, all linked to acidic wetlands. The deciduous fronds are bipinnate, tender-textured, light green, dimorphic. Sporangia are arranged in clusters, at the apex of pinnate fronds, in the middle, or on non-pinnate fronds.

  • Osmunda claytoniana

    Family : Osmundaceae.

    Interrupted fern.

    Light green, tender textured, sterile fronds, upright fertile fronds with two or three sets of sporing pinnae mid-frond. This fern enjoys a cool to moist, acidic soil in partial sun or light shade. Deciduous. Height : 90/120cm. Hardiness : -35°C.

    8.00 €
    Available In Cultivation
  • Osmunda regalis

    Family : Osmundaceae.

    Royal fern.

    Stately fern with wide tender-green fronds. Young golden croziers. Beautiful ochre colours in autumn. Plant it in a pond bank, half-submerged, or in a cool to moist soil, acidic or slightly alkaline, in the sun or half-shade (according to the region). Deciduous. Height and width : 1m/2m. Hardiness : -35°C.

    6.00 €
    Available In Cultivation
  • Osmunda regalis 'Purpurascens'

    Family : Osmundaceae.

    Purple royal fern

    Stately fern. It differs from the species by its deep purple young fronds and stipes, the laminae purple when young, and then green. Beautiful ochre colours in autumn. Plant it in a pond bank, half-submerged, or in a cool to moist soil, acidic or slightly alkaline, in the sun or half-shade (according to the region). Deciduous. Height and width : 1m/2m. Hardiness : -35°C.

    6.00 €
    Available In Cultivation
  • Osmunda regalis var. spectabilis

    Family : Osmundaceae

    American royal fern.

    This American variety differs from the species by its young croziers, stipes and rachises, first orange-brown coloured, then copper, and lastly tender green. Its fronds go yellow later, in autumn, giving beautiful colours. Plant it in a pond bank, half-submerged, or in a cool to moist soil, acidic or slightly alkaline, in the sun or half-shade (according to the region). Deciduous. Height and width : 1m/2m. Hardiness : -35°C.

    10.00 €
    Available In Cultivation
  • Osmundastrum cinnamomeum

    Family : Osmundaceae.

    New name : Osmundastrum cinnamomeum.

    Tall fern with tender-green foliage, of slow growth. Spectacular fertile fronds in erect cinnamon coloured bunches. It prefers moist acidic spots, in partial sun or shade. Deciduous. Height : 1,20m. Hardiness : -35°C.

    12.00 €
    Available In Cultivation