Blechnum is a genus of about 200 species, native to the southern hemisphere, especially to New Zealand, Austrlia and Chile. The genus Blechnum is characterized by evergreen, once-pinnate and dimorphic fronds. Fertile fronds are more erect with narrow pinnae, while sterile fronds have wider pinnae. All species enjoy acidic and cool or moist soils, in shade. Most of the Blechnum have now changed genus, to become Struthiopteris, Parablechnum, Austroblechnum...For practical reasons, they appear here in the genus Blechnum, with mention of their new name.
Blechnum appendiculatum
Family : Blechnaceae.
Small fern with upright, once-pinnate glossy fronds, emerging rose, then green. The rhizome is erect and spreads with its creeping stolons. This fern enjoys a cool or moist, acidic soil, in light shade or shade. Height:40cm. Width:50cm. Hardiness:-7°C.
16.00 € -
Blechnum australe subsp. auriculatum
Family : Blechnaceae.
Raised and pinnate fronds of 40cm length and 5 cm wide, medium green, satiny, light green for the young fronds. Creeping rhizome, colonises without being intrusive. It enjoys an acidic or neutral, cool soil, in medium shade. Evergreen. Height : 40cm. Hardiness : -10°C.
14.00 € -
Blechnum cordatum
Family : Blechnaceae.
Syn. Blechnum chilense, Parablechnum cordatum
Magnificent fern with sturdy, tough, glossy dark green fronds, from 50 to 100 cm in length. In spring, the young fronds are reddish bronze to salmon coloured. Young crosiers and stipes are covered with large tan scales. The fertile fronds are upright with narrow pinnae. The stoloniferous rhizome produces suckers. For an acidic , always wet ground, in shade. Evergreen. Height and width : 1m and +. Hardiness : -13°C.
14.00 € -
Blechnum penna-marina
Family : Blechnaceae.
Syn. Antartic hard fern
Dense creeping rhizomes, dynamic growth. Evergreen, tough, forest-green, satiny, sterile fronds; fine and upright fertile fronds. Excellent cover ground for fresh or wet, acidic or neutral grounds, ideal for Heather earth plants beds, in light shade. Height : 10/20cm. Hardiness : -25°C.
7.00 € -
Blechnum penna-marina subsp, alpina Paradise Form
Family : Blechnaceae.
This small ground-cover gathers the qualities of B. penna-marina and of B. penna-marina subsp. alpina. It has small green sterile fronds, copper-coloured in their youth, and produces many purple fertile fronds as subsp. alpina; with the vigour of B. penna-marina. Plant in acidic or neutral moist grounds, with light shade or sun, in a rockery. Evergreen. Height : 10/12cm. Hardiness : -25°C.
14.00 € -
Blechnum penna-marina subsp. alpina
Family : Blechnaceae.
Synonym : Austroblechnum penna-marina subsp. alpina.
Creeping fern, finer and smaller than the species, with moderate growth. Evergreen, matt sterile fronds, first brownish pink, then bronze-green, half the size of the species. Numerous purplish fertile fronds emerge upright. Plant in acidic or neutral moist grounds, in light shade or sun, in a rockery. Evergreen. Height : 8/10cm. Hardiness : -25°C.
14.00 € -
Blechnum spicant
Family : Blechnaceae.
Synonym : Struthiopteris spicant, deer fern.
A highly refined native fern. Evergreen sterile fronds are spreading, narrowly lance-shaped, glossy dark green. Deciduous fertile fronds are taller and upright. The narrow, linear pinnae enclose the sori and indusia. It is lime intolerant. It needs a coarse acidic soil, cool to moist ,in shade or light shade. Height : 30/50cm. Hardiness : -25°C.
7.00 €
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