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Asplenium is a large genus of more than 700 species and hybrids, of subcosmopolitan distribution. Asplenium is a genus characterized by linear sori arranged along veins, and protected with a lateral indusium. Most of the species are evergreen, and many of them grow in chalky and well drained soils. The species are various like Asplenium scolopendrium and Asplenium trichomanes.

  • Asplenium adiantum-nigrum

    Family : Aspleniaceae.

    Black spleenwort.

    The rhizome is erect to short-creeping. The stipes are a lustrous brown. The rachis is green. The blades are bipinnate to tripinnate, lacquered green. Sori are linear with a linear indusial flap. It likes stones, alkaline or acidic soils, well drained, in light shade. Evergreen. Height : 15/30cm. Hardiness : -20°C.

    7.00 €
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  • Asplenium ceterach

    Family : Aspleniaceae.

    Rusty back fern.

    The young fronds emerge covered with white scales. In time, this mature to a rusty colour. Sori with linear indusia are along veins and concealed by the abundant cloak of scales. It is happy in chalky or acidic walls or gravel with sun or light shade. It can't stand stagnant water. Evergreen. Height : 5/15cm. Hardiness : -20°C.

    7.00 €
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  • Asplenium ebenoides

    Family : Aspleniaceae.

    Dragon tail fern.

    Scott's spleenwort

    Hybrid between Asplenium platyneuron and camptosorus rhizophyllus.

    The fronds are evergreen, narrow, lanceolate and irregularly divided, from pinnate to lobate, with stretched and tapered ends and sometimes, with bulbils at the apex. It enjoys chalky or acidic soils, above all well-drained, in light shade. It grows slowly. Height : 15/25cm. Hardiness : -20°C.


    7.00 €
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  • Asplenium marinum

    Family : Aspleniaceae.

    Common name : Sea spleenwort.

    The stipes are brown. The rachis is green. The blades are pinnate, thick, leathery, lacquered green. Sori are linear with a linear indusial flap.In nature, it is located on maritime rocks, most siliceous, and sometimes on calcareous rocks, wells, stone walls Evergreen. Height : 15/30cm.

    8.00 €
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  • Asplenium scolopendrium

    Family : Aspleniaceae.

    Syn. Phyllitis scolopendrium.

    Hart's tongue fern.

    Fern of the cool woods on hillsides, banks, wet rocks. The lamina is light green, glossy, with wavy edges. Whole evergreen fronds in clumps. It likes chalky or slightly acidic soils, in shade. Evergreen. Height : 20/50cm. Hardiness : -30°C.

    6.00 €
    Available In Cultivation
  • Asplenium scolopendrium 'Cristatum'

    Family : Aspleniaceae.

    Variety with fronds crested at the apex, and a round and dense shape. It likes chalky or slightly acidic soils, in shade. Evergreen. Height : 25cm. Hardiness : -30°C.

    7.00 €
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  • Asplenium scolopendrium 'Muricatum'

    Family : Aspleniaceae.

    Variety with narrow fronds, finely wrinkled on the edge. It likes chalky or slightly acidic soils, in shade. Evergreen. Height : 50cm. Hardiness : -30°C.

    6.00 €
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  • Asplenium scolopendrium 'Ramo-cristatum'

     Family : Aspleniaceae.

    This cultivar differs from the species, by its long stipe, ending with a strongly divided, crested and undulate lamina. Fronds are evergreen. This little cultivar enjoys a cool or moist soil, calcareous or slightly acidic, in shade. Height and width : 30cm. Hardiness : -30°C.

    8.00 €
    Available In Cultivation