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Coniogramme is a genus of about 50 species, native to Africa and Eastern Asia.The genus Coniogramme is characterized by its fronds shape, pinnate and bipinnate. Pinnae and pinnules are narrowly oblong, reminding bamboo foliage. The sporangia are arranged in thin, long rows, covering the underside of the pinnae, without indusium. The rhizome is creeping.

  • Coniogramme affinis

    Family : Pteridaceae.

    Evergreen to deciduous fern with a short-creeping rhizome. The fronds are pinnate, tripinnate at the base. The pinnae with tapered end, are long, deep green. It likes shade or in a moist, acidic to neutral soil. Height : 60 to 90cm. Hardiness : -15°/-17°C.

    12.00 €
    Available In Cultivation
  • Coniogramme emeiensis

    Family : Pteridaceae.

    Variegated bamboo fern.

    It is a variegated fern, with a creeping rhizome, and linear, upright, pinnate or bipinnate fronds. The pinnae are 15 to 20cm long, glossy, bright green with cream-coloured veins. It requires a cool and humusy ground in shade, or on a veranda. Protect from slugs. Evergreen. Height : 60/90cm. Hardiness : -10°C.

    14.00 €
    Available In Cultivation
  • Coniogramme gracilis

    Family : Pteridaceae.

    Synonym : Coniogramme japonica subsp. gracilis.

    Aka narrow leaf bamboo fern.

     Evergreen and pinnate fern, forming a dense clump.The narrow pinnae are emerald green, glossy and tight. The rhizome is slowly creeping. It appreciates a cool and drained soil in light shade, or in a pot inside or on a veranda. Height : 40cm. Hardiness : -15°C.

    14.00 €
    Available In Cultivation
  • Coniogramme intermedia

    Family : pteridaceae.

    Intermediate bamboo fern.

    Evergreen to deciduous fern with a short-creeping rhizome. The fronds are pinnate, bipinnate at the base. The pinnae with tapered end, are long, deep green, glossy ; broad and tight. It likes shade or deep shade in a moist, acidic to neutral soil. Height : 60 to 90cm. Hardiness : -10°C.

    14.00 €
    Available In Cultivation
  • Coniogramme intermedia 'Yoroi Musha'

    Family : Pteridaceae.

     Evergreen fern with a short-creeping rhizome. The fronds are pinnate, bipinnate at the base. The pinnae with tapered end, are long, deep green, glossy. This cultivar differs from the species by its pinnae irregularly lacinized and spicky they give it, a luxuriant look. It likes bright or deep shade in a humusy soil , acidic or alkaline. Height : 60 to 90cm. Hardiness : -16°/-17°C.

    14.00 €
    Available In Cultivation
  • Coniogramme japonica 'Flavomaculata'

    Family : Pteridaceae.

    Syn. : Coniogramme  japonica 'Variegata'

    Japanese bamboo fern.

    The rhizome is creeping. The fronds are upright, pinnate and bipinnate. The pinnae are emerald green, glossy, with clearer veins. Plant it in a cool and moist soil in shade, or on a veranda. Protect it from slugs. Evergreen. Height : 60/80cm. Hardiness : -14°C.

    14.00 €
    Available In Cultivation